Imagine broadcasting the exact words that will inspire potential leads, clients, and customers to take action on your new offer, product, or service. One voice. Thousands of listeners and readers. That’s the power of text message marketing for businesses.
One or two sentences broadcasted to 1,000’s potential new leads.
No need to worry about your message getting stuck in a spam folder or buried in the promotion folder.
This is the power of sending SMS and voicemail drop messages.
With Straight2Voicemail, you can send 1,000s of text messages and Voicemail drops to engage new leads while nurturing existing customers.
New research states that close to 85% of Gen Z consumers want to get text messages from brands they’re familiar with instead of email or redundant ads.
For anyone with a product or service, the ability to drive sales and increase customer lifetime value through strategic mass text messaging and voicemail drop campaigns is just another tool you can add to your business toolbox.
You can get 10 free credits to begin your first SMS and voicemail drop broadcast campaign.
Once you’re in, feel free to try any of the following popular text message and voicemail drop strategies.
What makes all of these strategies exciting is that they can all be automized with Zapier integrations as well as our built-in message scheduler.
Text Message Marketing For Businesses Strategies

3-Day Text Message Promotion Sequence
Create a three sequence to a new, established, or segmented list. If you have a limited offer, promo code, sale, or new product drop, test a three-day sequence that has a bit of scarcity built into the deadline offered.
This is powerful because the 3 days sequence creates a sense of urgency, and the fact that it’s an SMS message gives it a customized and exclusive offer.
30 Min Text Message Reminder
Do you schedule appointments, coordinate timely events, or hold recurring group meetings?
A simple 30 min reminder can be that final soft touch to avoid missed appointments and empty seats.
Even a 1% improvement each month would be a 12% increase in year-on-year sales, signups, and conversions.
Follow Up Thank You & Testimonial CTA
Just made a sale? Congrats! After delivering on your promise, now is the time to build social proof. Ask a customer to leave honest feedback. It signals to others that your offer delivers while also giving you important data on how to improve your offer.
Automated Birthday Texts & Voicemail
If you have an opt-in page or customer checkout experience or link to edit customer info that allows them to input their birthday, you can send an auto SMS message on their birthday.
With a Mailchimp or Klavio integration through Zapier, you can send both an email, text message, and even a direct-to-voicemail campaign which will make sure you stand out against all the noise.
You can add a unique promo code or just a simple, “Happy Birthday” and “Thanks”.
Ultimately, helping customers to feel “seen” is how you build loyalty over time. Sometimes, it’s that small touches that build valuable trust.
QR Code to Opt-In
Do you use QR codes that link to a page? Why not have it drive leads to an opt-in page that corresponds to your favorite email provider and Straight2Voicemail?!
With a simple Zapier integration, you can automatically have a lead’s name, email, and phone number added which automatically gets populated to a list in Straight2Voicmail.
FB Instagram Leads to Text Message
Do you run ads on Facebook for a lead generation campaign? Use a text message to remind them about the double opt-in or to check their spam to improve the performance of your email key performance metrics.
You can even broadcast an automatic “Thankyou” voice maildrop after an email opt-in.
Imagine how different your offers would be if you went the extra mile.
Customer Membership Churn
If you have a subscription offer and a customer’s billing info needs to be updated because of a failed transaction or expired card, automate text messages with a link to have them update the billing.
This has been a game changer for businesses with lowering churn, increasing retention, and lifetime customer value.
Clarify Expectations
The best way to make sure your SMS broadcasts outperform your competition is to make sure your lists know exactly what to expect. During the signup as well as the initial auto-message, clarify how many and how often they will be receiving text messages from you.
We have seen opt-out rates drop by as high as 20% after clear expectations have been set.
Customer Support – personalize your customer support by receiving and answering support questions for your core offer.
Work the best with premium price offerings such as a used vehicle or first home where the trust between the seller and potential customer is a top priority.
Tips, Tricks, & Advice
Do you have “must-know” advice that can be used in content marketing?
Take your best content and drive traffic to it with occasional text messages with a link to an article or youtube video.
Abandoned Cart CTA
This is one of our most popular strategies at Straight2Voicemail. Abandon carts can be recaptured with a text message that delivered a coupon code or a Voicemail drop that shares a unique promo code.
This is one of many retargeting strategies that have worked with Shopify and Straight2Voicemail integrations through Zapier.
Off-Menu Exclusive Product or Service
One way to create an exclusive experience through SMS or Voicemail drop is to actually offer products for phone number contacts. You can even communicate this in your offer copy.
If the offer is great, the incentive to opt-in to your phone list will spread like fire from word-of-mouth.
Get 10 Free Voicemail Drop & SMS Bulk Credits!
Sign up to start your first SMS Bulk Broadcast and get 10 free credits on us!

Have Questions?
If you have any questions about text message and voicemail drop marketing, we’d love to answer them. Drop us a line on our contact page or check out our FAQ page here.